Source code for payments.coin_handlers.base.SettingsMixin


    |                 © 2019 Privex Inc.                |
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    |                                                   |
    |        CryptoToken Converter                      |
    |                                                   |
    |        Core Developer(s):                         |
    |                                                   |
    |          (+)  Chris (@someguy123) [Privex]        |
    |                                                   |

import logging
from typing import Dict, Any

from django.conf import settings

from payments.models import Coin
from steemengine.helpers import empty

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class SettingsMixin: """ SettingsMixin - A mixin that can be used by coin loaders/managers for easy access to database/file settings, with handling of default settings **Copyright**:: +===================================================+ | © 2019 Privex Inc. | | | +===================================================+ | | | CryptoToken Converter | | | | Core Developer(s): | | | | (+) Chris (@someguy123) [Privex] | | | +===================================================+ """ _settings = {} # type: Dict[str, dict] setting_defaults = dict(host='', user=None, password=None) """If a setting isn't specified, use this dict for defaults, include both RPC defaults and custom json defaults""" use_coind_settings = True """ If True, merges symbol settings from settings.COIND_RPC with precedence over database Coin settings Override this to False in child classes to disable loading from the settings file """ @property def all_coins(self) -> Dict[str, Coin]: """ Since this is a Mixin, it may be self.coin: Coin, or self.coins: List[Coin]. This property detects whether we have a single coin, or multiple, and returns them as a dict. :return dict coins: A dict<str,Coin> of supported coins, mapped by symbol """ if hasattr(self, 'coins'): return dict(self.coins) elif hasattr(self, 'coin'): return {self.coin.symbol_id: self.coin} raise Exception('Cannot load settings as neither self.coin nor self.coins exists...') @property def settings(self) -> Dict[str, dict]: """ Get all settings, mapped by coin symbol (each coin symbol dict contains custom json settings merged) :return dict settings: A dictionary mapping coin symbols to settings """ if len(self._settings) > 0: return self._settings return self._prep_settings() def _prep_settings(self, reset: bool = False) -> Dict[str, dict]: """ Loads and caches coin daemon settings from both :class:`payments.models.Coin` objects, and from ``settings.COIND_RPC`` (if it's defined). :param bool reset: Default: False; if true - force refresh coin settings into self._settings :return dict _settings: {host:str, port:int, user:str, password:str, confirms_needed:int, use_trusted:bool} """ # If _settings isn't empty, and we aren't forcing a refresh, don't bother re-loading the coin settings if len(self._settings) > 0 and not reset: return self._settings s = {} # Temporary settings dict # Load handler settings from Coin objects, combine the JSON dict into our settings dict # log.debug('Loading handler settings from Coin objects') for sym, c in self.all_coins.items(): sc = c.settings # {host,port,user,password,json} s[sym] = {k: v for k, v in sc.items() if k != 'json'} # Don't include the 'json' key s[sym] = {**s[sym], **sc['json']} # Merge contents of 'json' into our settings # log.debug('Loading Bitcoind handler settings from settings.COIND_RPC (if it exists)') # If COIND_RPC has been set in, they take precedence over database-level settings. # The attribute ``use_coind_settings`` can be overridden to False by child classes to disable this if self.use_coind_settings and hasattr(settings, 'COIND_RPC'): for symbol, conn in settings.COIND_RPC.items(): s[symbol] = {**s[symbol], **conn} # Finally, fill in any gaps with the default settings, and cast non-string settings to their correct type. self._clean_settings(s) # Store settings to the class attribute, and return them. self._settings = s return self._settings def _cast_settings(self, s: Dict[str, Any]): """ This method should be overridden by an inheriting class, so that it can cast any custom settings to the appropriate python types. The passed dict ``s`` should be used as a pointer, so there is no need to return anything. Example: >>> s['confirms_needed'] = int(s['confirms_needed']) >>> s['use_trusted'] = s['use_trusted'] in [True, 'true', 'True', 'TRUE', 1, 'yes'] :param dict s: A dictionary of key=>value settings """ pass def _clean_settings(self, d_settings: Dict[str, dict]) -> Dict[str, dict]: """ Clean up ``d_settings`` by setting any missing/empty settings to default values, and cast non-string settings to the correct types. :param dict d_settings: The dict<str,dict> mapping symbol->settings to clean up :return dict d_settings: The cleaned dictionary. Only needed if you passed a deep-copy for d_settings, as the passed dict will be altered in-place unless it's a copy. """ defs = self.setting_defaults # Loop over each symbol and settings dict we were passed for sym, conn in d_settings.items(): # coin symbol : str, settings: dict z = d_settings[sym] # Pointer to the settings dict for this symbol # Loop over our default settings, compare to the user's settings for def_key, def_val in defs.items(): # settings key : str, settings value : any # Check if required setting key exists in user's settings if def_key in z and not empty(z[def_key]): continue # Setting doesn't exist, or was empty. Update user's setting to our default. z[def_key] = def_val # Cast settings keys to avoid casting errors self._cast_settings(z) return d_settings