REST API Documentation

CryptoToken Converter exposes a REST API under the URL /api to allow any application to easily interact with the system.

It uses Django REST Framework which automatically generates a lot of the code running behind the API endpoints.


For GET requests, any request parameters must either be sent as either:

Standard GET parameters - e.g. /api/deposits/?from_address=someguy123

Directly in the URL - e.g. /api/coins/LTC

For POST requests, you may send your request data/params as a normal URL encoded form, or you may choose to send it as JSON.

application/json - JSON Encoded Body

    "my_param": "somevalue",
    "other.param": "other value"

application/x-www-form-urlencoded - Standard POST body



Starts the conversion process between two coins.

Returns the deposit details for you to send the coins to.

Methods: POST (URL Encoded Form, or JSON)

POST Parameters:

Parameter Type Description
from_coin String Symbol of the coin to convert from
to_coin String Symbol of the destination coin
destination String The address or account on to_coin for receiving your converted coins

All parameters are required.


If the JSON response error key is present and set to true, the error message will be placed in message, and a non-200 status code will be returned, related to the error reason.

Potential errors and their status codes:

  • “An unknown error has occurred… please contact support”, 500
  • “You must specify ‘from_coin’, ‘to_coin’, and ‘destination’”, 400
  • “There is no such coin pair {} -> {}”, 404
  • “The destination {} address/account ‘{}’ is not valid”, 400

Example error response:

POST /api/convert/

HTTP 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: application/json
Vary: Accept

    "error": true,
    "message": "You must specify 'from_coin', 'to_coin', and 'destination'"

Return Data:

All successful requests will include ex_rate (the amount of to_coin per from_coin), pair (details about the coin pair that you have chosen), and destination (where the from_coin will be sent to).

Depending on whether the from_coin is an address based coin, or an account/memo based coin, the actual deposit details will be returned differently. Address based coins will return address, while account based coins will return account and memo.

Below are two examples to help explain this. SGTK is “Sometoken”, a SteemEngine token, meaning it’s account+memo based. LTC is Litecoin, a classic address based cryptocurrency.

Example 1 (address based -> account based):

POST /api/convert/

Content-Type: application/json

    "ex_rate": 100000.0,
    "destination": "someguy123",
    "pair": "LTC -> SGTK (100000.0000 SGTK per LTC)",
    "address": "MJL1E5oSqFLpdL9BswKmYonxU1Cq1WKWGL"

Example 2 (account based -> address based):

POST /api/convert/

Content-Type: application/json
    "ex_rate": 0.01,
    "destination": "MVYBriQcasb6zvtGjPfLKbbWcRoKWh4sAf",
    "pair": "SGTK -> LTC (0.0100 LTC per SGTK)",
    "memo": "LTC MVYBriQcasb6zvtGjPfLKbbWcRoKWh4sAf",
    "account": "someguy123"


Returns all deposit attempts received by the system. Can be filtered using the GET Parameters listed below.
Returns a single deposit attempt by it’s ID

Methods: GET

GET Parameters:

These parameters can be used with the plain /api/deposits/ URL, to filter deposits based on various columns.

Note: Results from /api/deposits/ will always be returned as a list, even if there’s only one.

Parameter Type Description
address String Return deposits that were sent to this address (only for address-based coins)
txid String Return deposits with a matching transaction ID
from_account String Return deposits that were sent from this account (only for account-based coins)
to_account String Return deposits that were sent to this account (only for account-based coins)
memo String Return deposits that were sent using this memo (normally only for account-based coins)

Return Data:

Example 1 (Plain GET request):

GET /api/deposits/

Content-Type: application/json

        "id": 4,
        "txid": "635dd656b3bd8c61699e6066c9b3c6e74696e195",
        "coin": "",
        "vout": 0,
        "status": "conv",
        "tx_timestamp": "2019-03-20T03:46:30Z",
        "address": null,
        "from_account": "privex",
        "to_account": "someguy123",
        "amount": "1.00000000000000000000",
        "memo": "LTC LKjpPtgMbcFgbJJYwzfe1ZtR8x4bbs2V3o",
        "processed_at": "2019-03-20T04:31:30.643406Z",
        "convert_to": ""
        "id": 5,
        "txid": "b881d1ae8cf280184960c9c2d74bc1bd230f18f5adcd7fe695239dbf46b06c45",
        "coin": "",
        "vout": 0,
        "status": "conv",
        "tx_timestamp": "2019-03-20T01:34:20Z",
        "address": "MFht1FmYhsRaSChGdqomxQpjtGtsjFHDQX",
        "from_account": null,
        "to_account": null,
        "amount": "0.10000000000000000000",
        "memo": null,
        "processed_at": "2019-03-20T04:46:53.602857Z",
        "convert_to": ""

Example 2 (Filtering results):

GET /api/deposits/?txid=635dd656b3bd8c61699e6066c9b3c6e74696e195

Content-Type: application/json

        "id": 4,
        "txid": "635dd656b3bd8c61699e6066c9b3c6e74696e195",
        "coin": "",
        "vout": 0,
        "status": "conv",
        "tx_timestamp": "2019-03-20T03:46:30Z",
        "address": null,
        "from_account": "privex",
        "to_account": "someguy123",
        "amount": "1.00000000000000000000",
        "memo": "LTC LKjpPtgMbcFgbJJYwzfe1ZtR8x4bbs2V3o",
        "processed_at": "2019-03-20T04:31:30.643406Z",
        "convert_to": ""

Example 3 (ID Lookup):

GET /api/deposits/4/

Content-Type: application/json

    "id": 4,
    "txid": "635dd656b3bd8c61699e6066c9b3c6e74696e195",
    "coin": "",
    "vout": 0,
    "status": "conv",
    "tx_timestamp": "2019-03-20T03:46:30Z",
    "address": null,
    "from_account": "privex",
    "to_account": "someguy123",
    "amount": "1.00000000000000000000",
    "memo": "LTC LKjpPtgMbcFgbJJYwzfe1ZtR8x4bbs2V3o",
    "processed_at": "2019-03-20T04:31:30.643406Z",
    "convert_to": ""


Returns all successful conversions sent by the system. Can be filtered using the GET Parameters listed below.
Returns a single conversion by it’s ID

Methods: GET

GET Parameters:

These parameters can be used with the plain /api/conversions/ URL, to filter conversions based on various columns.

Note: Results from /api/conversions/ will always be returned as a list, even if there’s only one.

Parameter Type Description
to_address String Return conversions that were sent to this address or account (it’s used for both)
to_txid String Return conversions with this outgoing TXID
to_coin String Return conversions into this coin symbol
from_coin String Return conversions from this coin symbol
from_address String Return conversions that were sent from this address or account (it’s used for both)

Return Data:

Note: The to_amount is the final amount that the user should have received AFTER ex_fee and tx_fee were removed.

Example 1 (Plain GET request):

GET /api/conversions/

Content-Type: application/json
        "url": "",
        "from_address": "LKjpPtgMbcFgbJJYwzfe1ZtR8x4bbs2V3o",
        "to_address": "LKjpPtgMbcFgbJJYwzfe1ZtR8x4bbs2V3o",
        "to_memo": "Token Conversion from SGTK account privex",
        "to_amount": "0.00883200000000000000",
        "to_txid": "e4a5cb3ccc5524e20a39b1a076cef16a85efc68bf929e7a3ec4a834c30711e55",
        "tx_fee": "0.00016800000000000000",
        "ex_fee": "0.00100000000000000000",
        "created_at": "2019-03-21T10:14:20.021360Z",
        "updated_at": "2019-03-21T10:14:20.021373Z",
        "deposit": "",
        "from_coin": "",
        "to_coin": ""
        "url": "",
        "from_address": "someguy123",
        "to_address": "privex",
        "to_memo": "Token Conversion via LTC deposit address MTcPHSipXBzwhTWT8wXMtNf6vwAxovjpx9",
        "to_amount": "900.00000000000000000000",
        "to_txid": "55c30e43088c8aa6d7a74da1e29d3843cd7157e7",
        "tx_fee": "0.00000000000000000000",
        "ex_fee": "100.00000000000000000000",
        "created_at": "2019-03-21T10:15:47.071323Z",
        "updated_at": "2019-03-21T10:15:47.071340Z",
        "deposit": "",
        "from_coin": "",
        "to_coin": ""

Example 2 (Filtering results):

GET /api/conversions/?from_coin=SGTK&to_coin=LTC

Content-Type: application/json
        "url": "",
        "from_address": "LKjpPtgMbcFgbJJYwzfe1ZtR8x4bbs2V3o",
        "to_address": "LKjpPtgMbcFgbJJYwzfe1ZtR8x4bbs2V3o",
        "to_memo": "Token Conversion from SGTK account privex",
        "to_amount": "0.00883200000000000000",
        "to_txid": "e4a5cb3ccc5524e20a39b1a076cef16a85efc68bf929e7a3ec4a834c30711e55",
        "tx_fee": "0.00016800000000000000",
        "ex_fee": "0.00100000000000000000",
        "created_at": "2019-03-21T10:14:20.021360Z",
        "updated_at": "2019-03-21T10:14:20.021373Z",
        "deposit": "",
        "from_coin": "",
        "to_coin": ""
        "url": "",
        "from_address": "LKjpPtgMbcFgbJJYwzfe1ZtR8x4bbs2V3o",
        "to_address": "LKjpPtgMbcFgbJJYwzfe1ZtR8x4bbs2V3o",
        "to_memo": "Token Conversion from SGTK account privex",
        "to_amount": "0.00433200000000000000",
        "to_txid": null,
        "tx_fee": "0.00016800000000000000",
        "ex_fee": "0.00050000000000000000",
        "created_at": "2019-03-20T04:56:53.859675Z",
        "updated_at": "2019-03-20T04:56:53.859691Z",
        "deposit": "",
        "from_coin": "",
        "to_coin": ""

Example 3 (ID Lookup):

GET /api/conversions/5/

Content-Type: application/json

    "url": "",
    "from_address": "LKjpPtgMbcFgbJJYwzfe1ZtR8x4bbs2V3o",
    "to_address": "LKjpPtgMbcFgbJJYwzfe1ZtR8x4bbs2V3o",
    "to_memo": "Token Conversion from SGTK account privex",
    "to_amount": "0.00433200000000000000",
    "to_txid": null,
    "tx_fee": "0.00016800000000000000",
    "ex_fee": "0.00050000000000000000",
    "created_at": "2019-03-20T04:56:53.859675Z",
    "updated_at": "2019-03-20T04:56:53.859691Z",
    "deposit": "",
    "from_coin": "",
    "to_coin": ""


Returns all coin pairs supported by the system Can be filtered using the GET Parameters listed below.
Returns a single coin pair by it’s ID

Methods: GET

GET Parameters:

These parameters can be used with the plain /api/pairs/ URL, to filter coin pairs based on from/to symbol.

Note: Results from /api/pairs/ will always be returned as a list, even if there’s only one.

Parameter Type Description
to_coin String Return pairs with this destination coin symbol
from_coin String Return pairs with this deposit coin symbol

Example 1 (Plain GET request):

GET /api/pairs/

Content-Type: application/json

        "id": 1,
        "from_coin": "",
        "from_coin_symbol": "LTC",
        "to_coin": "",
        "to_coin_symbol": "SGTK",
        "exchange_rate": "100000.00000000000000000000",
        "__str__": "LTC -> SGTK (100000.0000 SGTK per LTC)"
        "id": 2,
        "from_coin": "",
        "from_coin_symbol": "SGTK",
        "to_coin": "",
        "to_coin_symbol": "LTC",
        "exchange_rate": "0.01000000000000000000",
        "__str__": "SGTK -> LTC (0.0100 LTC per SGTK)"

Example 2 (Filtering results):

GET /api/pairs/?from_coin=LTC

Content-Type: application/json

        "id": 1,
        "from_coin": "",
        "from_coin_symbol": "LTC",
        "to_coin": "",
        "to_coin_symbol": "SGTK",
        "exchange_rate": "100000.00000000000000000000",
        "__str__": "LTC -> SGTK (100000.0000 SGTK per LTC)"

Example 3 (ID Lookup):

GET /api/pairs/1/

Content-Type: application/json

    "id": 1,
    "from_coin": "",
    "from_coin_symbol": "LTC",
    "to_coin": "",
    "to_coin_symbol": "SGTK",
    "exchange_rate": "100000.00000000000000000000",
    "__str__": "LTC -> SGTK (100000.0000 SGTK per LTC)"