Source code for payments.coin_handlers.SteemEngine.SteemEngineManager


    |                 © 2019 Privex Inc.                |
    |                    |
    |                                                   |
    |        CryptoToken Converter                      |
    |                                                   |
    |        Core Developer(s):                         |
    |                                                   |
    |          (+)  Chris (@someguy123) [Privex]        |
    |                                                   |

import logging
import privex.steemengine.exceptions as SENG
from typing import List, Tuple
from beem.exceptions import MissingKeyError
from decimal import Decimal, getcontext, ROUND_DOWN

from payments.coin_handlers.SteemEngine.SteemEngineMixin import SteemEngineMixin
from payments.coin_handlers.base import exceptions, BaseManager
from privex.steemengine import SteemEngineToken
from steemengine.helpers import empty

getcontext().rounding = ROUND_DOWN

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class SteemEngineManager(BaseManager, SteemEngineMixin): """ This class handles various operations for the **SteemEngine** network, and supports almost any token on SteemEngine. It handles: - Validating source/destination accounts - Checking the balance for a given account, as well as the total amount received with a certain ``memo`` - Issuing tokens to users - Sending tokens to users **Copyright**:: +===================================================+ | © 2019 Privex Inc. | | | +===================================================+ | | | CryptoToken Converter | | | | Core Developer(s): | | | | (+) Chris (@someguy123) [Privex] | | | +===================================================+ """ provides = [] # type: List[str] """ This attribute is automatically generated by scanning for :class:`models.Coin` s with the type ``steemengine``. This saves us from hard coding specific coin symbols. See for populating code. """ def __init__(self, symbol: str): self._eng_rpc = None self._eng_rpcs = {} super(SteemEngineManager, self).__init__(symbol)
[docs] def health(self) -> Tuple[str, tuple, tuple]: """ Return health data for the passed symbol. Health data will include: Symbol, Status, Current Block, Node Version, Wallet Balance, and number of p2p connections (all as strings) :return tuple health_data: (manager_name:str, headings:list/tuple, health_data:list/tuple,) """ headers = ('Symbol', 'Status', 'API Node', 'Token Name', 'Issuer', 'Precision', 'Our Account', 'Our Balance') class_name = type(self).__name__ api_node = token_name = issuer = precision = our_account = balance = '' status = 'Okay' try: rpc = self.get_rpc(self.symbol) api_node = rpc.rpc.url our_account = self.coin.our_account if not rpc.account_exists(our_account): status = 'Account {} not found'.format(our_account) tk = rpc.get_token(self.symbol) if empty(tk, itr=True): raise exceptions.TokenNotFound('Token data was empty') tk = dict(tk) issuer = tk.get('issuer', 'ERROR GETTING ISSUER') token_name = tk.get('name', 'ERROR GETTING NAME') precision = str(tk.get('precision', 'ERROR GETTING PRECISION')) balance = self.balance(our_account) balance = ('{0:,.' + str(tk['precision']) + 'f}').format(balance) except exceptions.TokenNotFound: status = 'ERROR' token_name = '<b style="color: red">Token does not exist...</b>' except: status = 'ERROR' log.exception('Exception during for symbol %s', class_name, self.symbol) if status == 'Okay': status = '<b style="color: green">{}</b>'.format(status) else: status = '<b style="color: red">{}</b>'.format(status) data = (self.symbol, status, api_node, token_name, issuer, precision, our_account, balance) return class_name, headers, data
[docs] def health_test(self) -> bool: """ Check if the SteemEngine API and Steem node works or not, by requesting basic information such as the token metadata, and checking if our sending/receiving account exists on Steem. :return bool: True if SteemEngine and Steem appear to be working, False if either is broken. """ try: _, _, health_data = if 'Okay' in health_data[1]: return True return False except: return False
[docs] def balance(self, address: str = None, memo: str = None, memo_case: bool = False) -> Decimal: """ Get token balance for a given Steem account, if memo is given - get total symbol amt received with this memo. :param address: Steem account to get balance for, if not set, uses self.coin.our_account :param memo: If not None, get total `self.symbol` received with this memo. :param memo_case: Case sensitive memo search :return: Decimal(balance) """ if address is None: address = self.coin.our_account address = address.lower() if memo is not None: memo = str(memo).strip() rpc = self.get_rpc(self.symbol) if empty(memo): return rpc.get_token_balance(user=address, symbol=self.symbol) txs = rpc.list_transactions(user=address, symbol=self.symbol, limit=1000) bal = Decimal(0) for t in txs: if t['to'] == address and t['symbol'] == self.symbol: m = t['memo'].strip() if m == memo or (not memo_case and m == memo.lower()): bal += Decimal(t['quantity']) return bal
[docs] def get_deposit(self) -> tuple: """ Returns the deposit account for this symbol :return tuple: A tuple containing ('account', receiving_account). The memo must be generated by the calling function. """ return 'account', self.coin.our_account
[docs] def address_valid(self, address) -> bool: """If an account ( ``address`` param) exists on Steem, will return True. Otherwise False.""" try: return self.eng_rpc.account_exists(address) except: log.exception('Something went wrong while running %s.address_valid. Returning NOT VALID.', type(self)) return False
[docs] def issue(self, amount: Decimal, address: str, memo: str = None, trigger_data=None) -> dict: """ Issue (create/print) tokens to a given address/account, optionally specifying a memo if supported Example - Issue 5.10 SGTK to @privex >>> s = SteemEngineManager('SGTK') >>> s.issue(address='privex', amount=Decimal('5.10')) :param Decimal amount: Amount of tokens to issue, as a Decimal() :param address: Address or account to issue the tokens to :param memo: (ignored) Cannot issue tokens with a memo on SteemEngine :raises IssuerKeyError: Cannot issue because we don't have authority to (missing key etc.) :raises IssueNotSupported: Class does not support issuing, or requested symbol cannot be issued. :raises AccountNotFound: The requested account/address doesn't exist :return dict: Result Information Format:: { txid:str - Transaction ID - None if not known, coin:str - Symbol that was sent, amount:Decimal - The amount that was sent (after fees), fee:Decimal - TX Fee that was taken from the amount, from:str - The account/address the coins were issued from, send_type:str - Should be statically set to "issue" } """ try: rpc = self.get_rpc(self.symbol) token = rpc.get_token(symbol=self.symbol) # If we get passed a float for some reason, make sure we trim it to the token's precision before # converting it to a Decimal. if type(amount) == float: amount = ('{0:.' + str(token['precision']) + 'f}').format(amount) amount = Decimal(amount) issuer = rpc.get_token(self.symbol)['issuer']'Issuing %f %s to @%s', amount, self.symbol, address) t = rpc.issue_token(symbol=self.symbol, to=address, amount=amount) txid = None # There's a risk we can't get the TXID, and so we fall back to None. if 'transaction_id' in t: txid = t['transaction_id'] return { 'txid': txid, 'coin': self.orig_symbol, 'amount': amount, 'fee': Decimal(0), 'from': issuer, 'send_type': 'issue' } except SENG.AccountNotFound as e: raise exceptions.AccountNotFound(str(e)) except MissingKeyError: raise exceptions.IssuerKeyError('Missing active key for issuer account {}'.format(issuer))
[docs] def send(self, amount, address, memo=None, from_address=None, trigger_data=None) -> dict: """ Send tokens to a given address/account, optionally specifying a memo if supported Example - send 1.23 SGTK from @someguy123 to @privex with memo 'hello' >>> s = SteemEngineManager('SGTK') >>> s.send(from_address='someguy123', address='privex', amount=Decimal('1.23'), memo='hello') :param Decimal amount: Amount of tokens to send, as a Decimal() :param address: Account to send the tokens to :param from_address: Account to send the tokens from :param memo: Memo to send tokens with (if supported) :raises AttributeError: When both `from_address` and `self.coin.our_account` are blank. :raises ArithmeticError: When the amount is lower than the lowest amount allowed by the token's precision :raises AuthorityMissing: Cannot send because we don't have authority to (missing key etc.) :raises AccountNotFound: The requested account/address doesn't exist :raises TokenNotFound: When the requested token `symbol` does not exist :raises NotEnoughBalance: The account `from_address` does not have enough balance to send this amount. :return dict: Result Information Format:: { txid:str - Transaction ID - None if not known, coin:str - Symbol that was sent, amount:Decimal - The amount that was sent (after fees), fee:Decimal - TX Fee that was taken from the amount, from:str - The account/address the coins were sent from, send_type:str - Should be statically set to "send" } """ # Try from_address first. If that's empty, try using self.coin.our_account. If both are empty, abort. if empty(from_address): if empty(self.coin.our_account): raise AttributeError("Both 'from_address' and 'coin.our_account' are empty. Cannot send.") from_address = self.coin.our_account try: rpc = self.get_rpc(self.symbol) token = rpc.get_token(symbol=self.symbol) # If we get passed a float for some reason, make sure we trim it to the token's precision before # converting it to a Decimal. if type(amount) == float: amount = ('{0:.' + str(token['precision']) + 'f}').format(amount) amount = Decimal(amount) log.debug('Sending %f %s to @%s', amount, self.symbol, address) t = rpc.send_token(symbol=self.symbol, from_acc=from_address, to_acc=address, amount=amount, memo=memo) txid = None # There's a risk we can't get the TXID, and so we fall back to None. if 'transaction_id' in t: txid = t['transaction_id'] return { 'txid': txid, 'coin': self.orig_symbol, 'amount': amount, 'fee': Decimal(0), 'from': from_address, 'send_type': 'send' } except SENG.AccountNotFound as e: raise exceptions.AccountNotFound(str(e)) except SENG.TokenNotFound as e: raise exceptions.TokenNotFound(str(e)) except SENG.NotEnoughBalance as e: raise exceptions.NotEnoughBalance(str(e)) except MissingKeyError: raise exceptions.AuthorityMissing('Missing active key for sending account {}'.format(from_address))
[docs] def send_or_issue(self, amount, address, memo=None, trigger_data=None) -> dict: try:'Attempting to send {amount} {self.symbol} to {address} ...') return self.send(amount=amount, address=address, memo=memo, trigger_data=trigger_data) except exceptions.NotEnoughBalance: acc = self.coin.our_account'Not enough balance. Issuing {amount} {self.symbol} to our account {acc} ...') # Issue the coins to our own account, and then send them. This prevents problems caused when issuing # directly to third parties. self.issue(amount=amount, address=acc, memo=f"Issuing to self before transfer to {address}", trigger_data=trigger_data)'Sending newly issued coins: {amount} {self.symbol} to {address} ...') tx = self.send(amount=amount, address=address, memo=memo, from_address=acc, trigger_data=trigger_data) # So the calling function knows we had to issue these coins, we change the send_type back to 'issue' tx['send_type'] = 'issue' return tx