Source code for payments.coin_handlers.EOS.EOSManager

import logging
from datetime import timedelta, datetime
from decimal import Decimal, getcontext, ROUND_DOWN
from typing import Union, Tuple

import pytz
from requests import HTTPError

from payments.coin_handlers import BaseManager
from payments.coin_handlers.EOS.EOSMixin import EOSMixin
from payments.coin_handlers.base import TokenNotFound, CoinHandlerException, AccountNotFound, AuthorityMissing, \
from payments.models import CryptoKeyPair, Coin
from steemengine.helpers import empty, decrypt_str

getcontext().rounding = ROUND_DOWN

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class EOSManager(BaseManager, EOSMixin): can_issue = True def __init__(self, symbol: str): super().__init__(symbol) self.current_rpc = None
[docs] def address_valid(self, *addresses: str) -> bool: """ Check if one or more account usernames exist on the EOS network. Example: >>> if not self.address_valid('someguy12333', 'steemenginex'): ... print('The EOS account "someguy12333" and/or "steemenginex" does not exist. ') :param str addresses: One or more EOS usernames to verify the existence of :return bool account_exists: True if all of the given accounts in `addresses` exist on the EOS network. :return bool account_exists: False if at least one account in `addresses` does not exist on EOS. """ for address in addresses: try: acc = self.eos.get_account(address) if 'account_name' not in acc: log.warning(f'"account_name" not in data returned by eos.get_account("{address}")...') return False except HTTPError as e:'HTTPError while verifying {self.chain.upper()} account "{address}" ' f'- this is probably normal: {str(e)}') return False return True
[docs] def address_valid_ex(self, *addresses: str): """ Check if one or more account usernames exist on the EOS network. Throws an exception if any do not exist. A slightly different version of :py:meth:`.address_valid` which raises AccountNotFound with the username that failed the test, instead of simply returning True / False. :param str addresses: One or more EOS usernames to verify the existence of :raises AccountNotFound: When one of the accounts in `addresses` does not exist. """ for address in addresses: if not self.address_valid(address): raise AccountNotFound(f'The {self.chain.upper()} account "{address}" does not exist...') return True
[docs] def get_deposit(self) -> tuple: return 'account', self.coin.our_account
[docs] def balance(self, address: str = None, memo: str = None, memo_case: bool = False) -> Decimal: if not address: address = self.coin.our_account if not empty(memo): raise NotImplemented(f'Filtering by memos not implemented yet for {__name__}!') sym = self.symbol contract = self.get_contract(sym) bal = self.eos.get_currency_balance(address, code=contract, symbol=sym) if len(bal) < 1: raise TokenNotFound(f'Balance list for {self.chain.upper()} symbol {sym} with ' f'contract {contract} was empty...') amt, curr = bal[0].split() amt = Decimal(amt) if curr.upper() != sym: raise CoinHandlerException(f'Expected balance currency of {sym} but got {curr} - aborting') return amt
[docs] def send(self, amount, address, from_address=None, memo=None, trigger_data=None) -> dict: """ Send a given ``amount`` of EOS (or a token on EOS) from ``from_address`` to ``address`` with the memo ``memo``. Only ``amount`` and ``address`` are mandatory. :param Decimal amount: Amount of coins/tokens to send, as a Decimal() :param str address: Destination EOS account to send the coins/tokens to :param str memo: Memo to send coins/tokens with (default: "") :param str from_address: EOS Account to send from (default: uses Coin.our_account) :raises AuthorityMissing: Cannot send because we don't have authority to (missing key etc.) :raises AccountNotFound: The requested account doesn't exist :raises NotEnoughBalance: Sending account/address does not have enough balance to send :return dict: Result Information Format:: dict { txid:str - Transaction ID - None if not known, coin:str - Symbol that was sent, amount:Decimal - The amount that was sent (after fees), fee:Decimal - TX Fee that was taken from the amount (static Decimal(0) for EOS) from:str - The account the coins were sent from. send_type:str - Statically set to "send" } """ # Fallback to the coin's `our_account` if `from_address` is not specified from_address = self.coin.our_account if not from_address else from_address # Some basic sanity checks, e.g. do the from/to account exist? validate/cast the sending amount self.address_valid_ex(from_address, address) memo = "" if empty(memo) else memo amount = self.validate_amount(amount=amount, from_account=from_address) # Grab the coin's symbol and find it's contract account sym, contract = self.symbol, self.get_contract(self.symbol) # Craft the transaction arguments for the transfer operation, then broadcast it and get the result precision = self.settings[self.symbol].get('precision', 4) amt = f"{amount:.{precision}f} {sym}" tx_args = {"from": from_address, "to": address, "quantity": amt, "memo": memo} tfr = self.build_tx("transfer", contract, from_address, tx_args) # Some of the important data, e.g. how much was actually sent, is buried in the processed>action_traces tx_output = tfr['processed']['action_traces'][0]['act']['data'] tx_amt_final = Decimal(tx_output['quantity'].split()[0]) return { 'txid': tfr['transaction_id'], 'coin': self.orig_symbol, 'amount': tx_amt_final, 'fee': Decimal(0), 'from': from_address, 'send_type': 'send' }
[docs] def build_tx(self, tx_type, contract, sender, tx_args: dict, key_types=None, broadcast: bool = True) -> dict: """ Crafts an EOS transaction using the various arguments, signs it using the stored private key for `sender`, then broadcasts it (if `broadcast` is True) and returns the result. Example: >>> args = {"from": "someguy12333", "to": "steemenginex", "quantity": "1.000 EOS", "memo": ""} >>> res = self.build_tx('transfer', 'eosio.token', 'someguy12333', args) >>> print(res['transaction_id']) dc9ece0dfb8da0b92068e23bdc22c971e0bc713d31ffc1b7552a861197b0d23e :param str tx_type: The type of transaction, e.g. "transfer" or "issue" :param str contract: The contract username to execute against, e.g. 'eosio.token' :param str sender: The account name that will be signing the transaction, will auto lookup it's private key :param dict tx_args: A dictionary of transaction arguments to add to the payload data :param list key_types: (optional) Which types of key can be used for this TX? e.g. ['owner', 'active'] :param bool broadcast: (default: True) If true, broadcasts the TX after signing. Otherwise returns just the signed TX and does not broadcast it to the network. :return dict tfr: The results of the transaction. Includes information about the broadcast if it was sent. """ key_types = ['active'] if key_types is None else key_types # Find and decrypt the active private key for the sending account key_type, priv_key = self.get_privkey(sender, key_types=key_types) payload = { "account": contract, "name": tx_type, "authorization": [{ "actor": sender, "permission": key_type }] } tx_bin = self.eos.abi_json_to_bin(payload['account'], payload['name'], tx_args) payload['data'] = tx_bin['binargs'] trx = dict(actions=[payload]) log.debug(f'Full {self.chain.upper()} payload: {trx} Tx Bin: {tx_bin}') trx['expiration'] = str((datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(seconds=60)).replace(tzinfo=pytz.UTC)) # Sign and broadcast the transaction we've just built tfr = self.eos.push_transaction(trx, priv_key, broadcast=broadcast) return tfr
[docs] @classmethod def get_privkey(cls, from_account: str, key_types: list = None) -> Tuple[str, str]: """ Find the EOS :py:class:`models.CryptoKeyPair` in the database for a given account `from_account` , decrypt the private key, then returns a tuple containing (key_type:str, priv_key:str,) If no matching key pair could be found, will raise an AuthorityMissing exception. Example: >>> key_type, priv_key = EOSManager.get_privkey('steemenginex', key_types=['active']) >>> print(key_type) active >>> print(priv_key) # The below private key was randomly generated for this pydoc block, is isn't a real key. 5KK4oSvg9n5NxiAK9CXRd7zhbARpx8oxh15miPTXW8htGbYQPKD :param str from_account: The EOS account to find a private key for :param list key_types: (optional) A list() of key types to search for. Default: ['active', 'owner'] :raises AuthorityMissing: No key pair could be found for the given `from_account` :raises EncryptKeyMissing: CTC admin did not set ENCRYPT_KEY in their `.env`, or it is invalid :raises EncryptionError: Something went wrong while decrypting the private key (maybe ENCRYPT_KEY is invalid) :return tuple k: A tuple containing the key type (active/owner etc.) and the private key. """ key_types = ['active', 'owner'] if key_types is None else key_types kp = CryptoKeyPair.objects.filter(network=cls.chain_type, account=from_account, key_type__in=key_types) if len(kp) < 1: raise AuthorityMissing(f'No private key found for {cls.chain.upper()} ' f'account {from_account} matching types: {key_types}') # Grab the first key pair we've found, and decrypt the private key into plain text priv_key = decrypt_str(kp[0].private_key) return kp[0].key_type, priv_key
[docs] def validate_amount(self, amount: Union[Decimal, float, str], from_account: str = None) -> Decimal: """ Validates a user specified EOS token amount by: - if amount is a float, we round it down to a 4 DP string - we then pass the amount to Decimal so we can perform more precise calculations - checks that the amount is at least 0.0001 (minimum amount of EOS that can be sent) - if `from_account` is specified, will raise NotEnoughBalance if we don't have enough balance to cover the TX. Example: >>> amount = self.validate_amount(1.23) >>> amount Decimal('1.23') :param Decimal amount: The amount of EOS (or token) to be sent, ideally as Decimal (but works with float/str) :param str from_account: (optional) If specified, check that `from_account` has enough balance for this TX. :raises ArithmeticError: When the amount is lower than the lowest amount allowed by the token's precision :raises NotEnoughBalance: The account `from_account` does not have enough balance to send this amount. :raises TokenNotFound: `from_account` does not have a listed balance of `self.symbol` :return Decimal amount: The `amount` after sanitization, converted to a Decimal """ symbol = self.symbol # If we get passed a float for some reason, make sure we trim it to the token's precision before # converting it to a Decimal. if type(amount) == float: amount = ('{0:.' + self.settings[self.symbol].get('precision', 4) + 'f}').format(amount) amount = Decimal(amount) if amount < Decimal('0.0001'): raise ArithmeticError(f'Amount {amount} is lower than minimum of 0.0001 {self.symbol}, cannot send.') if from_account is not None: our_bal = self.balance(from_account) if amount > our_bal: raise NotEnoughBalance(f'Account {from_account} has {our_bal} {symbol} but needs {amount} to send...') return amount
[docs] def issue(self, amount: Decimal, address: str, memo: str = None, trigger_data=None): acc = self.coin.our_account # Some basic sanity checks, e.g. do the from/to account exist? validate/cast the sending amount self.address_valid_ex(acc, address) memo = "" if empty(memo) else memo # Note: since we're issuing, no from_account kwarg to avoid NotEnoughBalance exceptions amount = self.validate_amount(amount=amount) # Grab the coin's symbol and find it's contract account sym, contract = self.symbol, self.get_contract(self.symbol) # Craft the transaction arguments for the issue operation, then broadcast it and get the result precision = self.settings[self.symbol].get('precision', 4) amt = f"{amount:.{precision}f} {sym}" tx_args = {"to": address, "quantity": amt, "memo": memo} tfr = self.build_tx("issue", contract, acc, tx_args) # Some of the important data, e.g. how much was actually sent, is buried in the processed>action_traces tx_output = tfr['processed']['action_traces'][0]['act']['data'] tx_amt_final = Decimal(tx_output['quantity'].split()[0]) return { 'txid': tfr['transaction_id'], 'coin': sym, 'amount': tx_amt_final, 'fee': Decimal(0), 'from': acc, 'send_type': 'issue' }
[docs] def send_or_issue(self, amount, address, memo=None, trigger_data=None) -> dict: try: log.debug(f'Attempting to send {amount} {self.symbol} to {address} ...') return self.send(amount=amount, address=address, memo=memo, trigger_data=trigger_data) except NotEnoughBalance: acc = self.coin.our_account log.debug(f'Not enough balance. Issuing {amount} {self.symbol} to our account {acc} ...') # Issue the coins to our own account, and then send them. This prevents problems caused when issuing # directly to third parties. self.issue( amount=amount, address=acc, memo=f"Issuing to self before transfer to {address}", trigger_data=trigger_data ) log.debug(f'Sending newly issued coins: {amount} {self.symbol} to {address} ...') tx = self.send(amount=amount, address=address, memo=memo, from_address=acc, trigger_data=trigger_data) # So the calling function knows we had to issue these coins, we change the send_type back to 'issue' tx['send_type'] = 'issue' return tx