Source code for payments.coin_handlers.EOS.EOSLoader

import logging
from decimal import Decimal
from typing import Generator, List, Iterable

import pytz
import requests
from dateutil.parser import parse
from django.core.cache import cache
from django.utils import timezone

from payments.coin_handlers.EOS.EOSMixin import EOSMixin
from payments.coin_handlers.base import retry_on_err, AccountNotFound, BaseLoader
from steemengine.helpers import empty

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class EOSLoader(BaseLoader, EOSMixin): def __init__(self, symbols): super(EOSLoader, self).__init__(symbols=symbols) self.tx_count = 1000 self.loaded = False self.current_rpc = None
[docs] def load(self, tx_count=1000): """ Prepares the loader by disabling any symbols / coin objects that don't have an `our_account` set, or don't have a `contract` set in either :py:attr:`models.Coin.settings_json` or :py:attr:`.default_contracts` :param tx_count: Amount of transactions to load per account, most recent first :return: None """ chain = self.chain.upper()'Loading %s transactions...', chain) self.tx_count = tx_count # This just forces self.settings to be loaded before we loop over self.coins loadsettings = dict(self.settings) # Loop over each Coin we're responsible for, make sure every EOS token has both an `our_account` and # a contract set (either in Coin.setting_json or EOSMixin.default_contracts). Disable any that don't. for symbol, coin in self.coins.items(): safe = False # Assume a token is not valid by default. symbol = symbol.upper() try: if empty(coin.our_account): raise AccountNotFound( f'{chain} token "{coin}" has blank `our_account`. Refusing to load TXs.' ) self.get_contract(symbol) except Exception as e: log.warning(f'Refusing to load TXs for {chain} token "{coin}". Reason: {type(e)} - {str(e)}') else: log.debug(f'{chain} token with symbol "{coin}" passed tests. Has non-empty our_account and contract.') safe = True # If a token didn't pass basic sanity checks (has our account + contract), remove it from coins and symbols. if not safe: log.debug(f'Removing symbol "{symbol}" from self.coins and self.symbols...') del self.coins[symbol] self.symbols = [s for s in self.symbols if s != symbol] log.debug('Remaining %s symbols that were not disabled: %s', __name__, self.symbols) self.loaded = True
[docs] def list_txs(self, batch=100) -> Generator[dict, None, None]: """ Get transactions for all coins in `self.coins` where the 'to' field matches coin.our_account If :meth:`.load()` hasn't been ran already, it will automatically call self.load() :param batch: Amount of transactions to load per batch :return: Generator yielding dict's that conform to :class:`models.Deposit` """ if not self.loaded: self.load() chain = self.chain.upper() for symbol, c in self.coins.items(): try: # If a specific EOS/TELOS token has a different RPC, then it may be on a different chain and we # need to switch over our RPC. coin_rpc = c.settings['host'] # Use the database eos_settings host if it's set. Otherwise fall back to the default. default_rpc = self.setting_defaults['host'] default_rpc = default_rpc if empty(self.eos_settings.get('host')) else self.eos_settings['host'] load_method = self.setting_defaults.get('load_method', 'actions') history_url = self.setting_defaults.get('history_url') if not empty(self.current_rpc): # If this coin doesn't have a specific RPC, then use the default (eos_settings or class default) # Otherwise, use the coin's own RPC settings. if empty(coin_rpc) and default_rpc not in self.current_rpc: self.replace_eos(**self.eos_settings) elif not empty(coin_rpc) and coin_rpc not in self.current_rpc: self.replace_eos(**{**c.settings, **c.settings['json']}) sym = c.symbol_id.upper() if not empty(c.settings['json'].get('load_method')): load_method = c.settings['json'].get('load_method') elif not empty(self.eos_settings.get('load_method')): load_method = self.eos_settings.get('load_method') if not empty(c.settings['json'].get('history_url')): history_url = c.settings['json'].get('history_url') elif not empty(self.eos_settings.get('history_url')): history_url = self.eos_settings.get('history_url') if load_method == 'pvx': actions = self.pvx_get_actions( c.our_account, self.tx_count, history_url=history_url, symbol=sym, contract=self.get_contract(sym) ) yield from self.pvx_clean_txs(c.our_account, sym, self.get_contract(sym), actions) else: log.debug(f'Loading {chain} actions for token "{sym}", received to "{c.our_account}"') # actions = self.get_actions(c.our_account, self.tx_count) actions = self.get_actions(c.our_account, 100) yield from self.clean_txs(c.our_account, sym, self.get_contract(sym), actions) except: log.exception('Something went wrong while loading transactions for coin %s. Skipping for now.', c) continue
[docs] def clean_txs(self, account, symbol, contract, transactions: Iterable[dict]) -> Generator[dict, None, None]: """ Filters a given Iterable of dict's containing raw EOS "actions": - Finds only incoming `transfer` transactions from accounts that are not us (`account`) - Filters transactions by both `symbol` and verifies they're from the `contract` account - Outputs valid incoming TXs in the standardised Deposit format. :param str account: The account which should be receiving `symbol` :param str symbol: The coin symbol to search for, e.g. "EOS" :param str contract: The EOS contract account to filter by, e.g. "eosio.token" :param Iterable[dict] transactions: An iterable list/generator of EOS actions as dict's :return Generator cleaned_txs: A generator yielding valid Deposit TXs as dict's """ for tx in transactions: try: # Decompose various information from the complex EOS transaction format # - The `action_trace` contains most of the information about the transaction # - The `receipt` contains information about the receiver # - The `act` contains metadata about the transaction such as the contract account, tx type, and body # - The `data` of `act` contains the actual sender username, and the memo tr = tx['action_trace'] txid, rec, act = tr['trx_id'], tr['receipt'], tr['act'] to_acc = rec['receiver'] contract_acc, tx_type, tx_data = act['account'], act['name'], act['data'] if tx_type != 'transfer': continue # if the transaction isn't a transfer, we don't care. # ignore transactions that are missing a 'from' if 'from' not in tx_data: continue # Some transfers might not contain a memo key at all, so fallback to '' if the key doesn't exist. memo, from_acc = tx_data.get('memo', ''), tx_data['from'] # In EOS, the act['account'] (contract_acc) account is the owner of the smart contract # not the actual user who sent it. The "receiver" (to_acc) however, should be us. if contract_acc != contract or to_acc != account: continue if from_acc == account: continue # skip our own transactions amount, txcurrency = tuple(tx_data['quantity'].split(' ')) if txcurrency != symbol: continue # skip foreign currency ts = parse(tx['block_time']) ts = timezone.make_aware(ts, pytz.UTC) yield dict( txid=txid, coin=self.coins[symbol].symbol, tx_timestamp=ts, from_account=tx_data['from'], to_account=to_acc, memo=memo, amount=Decimal(amount) ) except Exception: log.exception('Error parsing transaction data. Skipping this TX. tx = %s', tx) continue
[docs] def pvx_clean_txs(self, account, symbol, contract, transactions: Iterable[dict]) -> Generator[dict, None, None]: """ Filters a given Iterable of dict's containing EOS "actions" from Privex history API - Finds only incoming `transfer` transactions from accounts that are not us (`account`) - Filters transactions by both `symbol` and verifies they're from the `contract` account - Outputs valid incoming TXs in the standardised Deposit format. :param str account: The account which should be receiving `symbol` :param str symbol: The coin symbol to search for, e.g. "EOS" :param str contract: The EOS contract account to filter by, e.g. "eosio.token" :param Iterable[dict] transactions: An iterable list/generator of EOS actions as dict's :return Generator cleaned_txs: A generator yielding valid Deposit TXs as dict's """ for tx in transactions: try: # Decompose various information from the complex EOS transaction format # - The `action_trace` contains most of the information about the transaction # - The `receipt` contains information about the receiver # - The `act` contains metadata about the transaction such as the contract account, tx type, and body # - The `data` of `act` contains the actual sender username, and the memo # tr = tx['action_trace'] # txid, rec, act = tr['trx_id'], tr['receipt'], tr['act'] # to_acc = rec['receiver'] # contract_acc, tx_type, tx_data = act['account'], act['name'], act['data'] txid = tx['txid'] tx_type = tx['name'] tx_data = tx['data'] contract_acc = tx['account'] to_acc = tx['tx_to'] if tx_type != 'transfer': continue # if the transaction isn't a transfer, we don't care. # ignore transactions that are missing a 'from' if 'from' not in tx_data: continue # Some transfers might not contain a memo key at all, so fallback to '' if the key doesn't exist. memo, from_acc = tx['tx_memo'], tx['tx_from'] # In EOS, the act['account'] (contract_acc) account is the owner of the smart contract # not the actual user who sent it. The "receiver" (to_acc) however, should be us. if contract_acc != contract or to_acc != account: continue if from_acc == account: continue # skip our own transactions amount, txcurrency = tuple(tx_data['quantity'].split(' ')) if txcurrency != symbol: continue # skip foreign currency ts = parse(tx['timestamp']) # ts = timezone.make_aware(ts, pytz.UTC) yield dict( txid=txid, coin=self.coins[symbol].symbol, tx_timestamp=ts, from_account=tx_data['from'], to_account=to_acc, memo=memo, amount=Decimal(amount), vout=tx['action_index'] ) except Exception: log.exception('Error parsing transaction data. Skipping this TX. tx = %s', tx) continue
[docs] @retry_on_err(3, 3) # Auto-retry on exception up to 3 times, with 3 seconds delay between attempts def pvx_get_actions(self, account: str, count=100, symbol=None, contract=None, history_url=None) -> List[dict]: """ Loads EOS transactions for a given account, and caches them per account to avoid constant queries. :param account: The EOS account to load transactions for :param count: Amount of transactions to load :return list transactions: A list of EOS transactions as dict's """ cache_key = f'{self.chain}_pvx_actions:{account}' actions = cache.get(cache_key) if empty(history_url): history_url = self.setting_defaults.get('history_url') if empty(actions):'Loading %s actions for %s from history API %s', self.chain.upper(), account, history_url) # c = self.eos # data = c.get_actions(account, pos=-1, offset=-count) url = f"{history_url}/api/actions/?limit={count}&tx_to={account}" if not empty(symbol): url += f"&symbol={symbol}" if not empty(contract): url += f"&account={contract}" req = requests.get(url) actions = req.json()['results'] #'%s %s', url, actions) cache.set(cache_key, actions, timeout=60) return actions
[docs] @retry_on_err(3, 3) # Auto-retry on exception up to 3 times, with 3 seconds delay between attempts def get_actions(self, account: str, count=100) -> List[dict]: """ Loads EOS transactions for a given account, and caches them per account to avoid constant queries. :param account: The EOS account to load transactions for :param count: Amount of transactions to load :return list transactions: A list of EOS transactions as dict's """ cache_key = f'{self.chain}_actions:{account}' actions = cache.get(cache_key) if empty(actions):'Loading %s actions for %s from node %s', self.chain.upper(), account, self.url) c = self.eos data = c.get_actions(account, pos=-1, offset=-count) actions = data['actions'] cache.set(cache_key, actions, timeout=60) return actions